Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blueberry Jam

I am on a quest of cleaning out all food products with ingredient that aren't natural and that I can't pronounce. My goal is to post about some of the new recipes that I try that turn out good. So here is the first of hopefully many to come.

Blueberry Jam - very simple, but takes a while

First I washed the berries and crushed about 9 cups full.
Add 6 cups of sugar.
Slowly bring to a boil.
Cook rapidly to gelling point.
(I cooked it at least 45 minutes)
Using a ladle I filled the hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace.
Place on hot lids.
Then screw on bands.
Process 15 minutes in a boiling water canner.

With this recipe I made 6 half-pint jar and 1 pint size jar.
It was a hit, even my picky children loved it.

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